Manahil Estate

CDA Shares the Development Progress of IJP Road, Islamabad

development progress of IJP Road

Capital Development Authority (CDA) and its Chairman, Noor-ul-Amin Mengal, shared the development progress of IJP Road via a video on Twitter and Facebook. As per the civic agency, the development, rehabilitation, and widening of the IJP Road have entered the final phase, as well as many portions of this major artery are opened for traffic.

The video shared by the authority on social media shows the completed developments in recent times. It is also important to mention that CDA has been onboarded with National Logistics Cell (NLC) for the widening and rehabilitation of IJ Principal Road.

Here is the footage released by Capital Development Authority (CDA):

This video clearly shows the development progress of IJP Road and its completed segments Moreover, it also provides a glimpse of the ongoing development. This video clearly shows the changes made to the infrastructure of IJP Road.

The following development progress of IJP Road was shared by the CDA Officials:

  • The part of IJP till CTTI/NUTECH is fully completed and opened for traffic.
  • Further, the development of the road from NUTECH to the Railway Bridge is also completed.
  • Moving on, the road is ready and used by traffic till the Faqeer AIPEE flyover.
  • Moreover, the part of IJP Road from the AIPEE flyover to the Mandi Morr Bridge is carpeted, however, development is also going on in this area.
  • Rest of the road, till Nullah Lei Bridge is also fully carpeted and used by people for daily commutes.
  • The development is underway on the portion starting from just a few km from Lei Bridge to 9th Avenue.

IJP Road is a major artery that lies as a line between Islamabad and Rawalpindi; therefore it is of the utmost importance as it is used by people of both cities as well as heavy traffic. The rehabilitation and widening of this road will improve the flow of traffic between the twin cities.

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