New Metro City Gujar Khan early bird balloting will be held on 20th August 2022. It is an emerging housing society in the Gujar Khan area of Rawalpindi District by BSM Developers. A few days back, a grand dinner event was held by the management of New Metro City for the sales partners. This event was personally hosted by the chairman of BSM Developers Mr. Bilal Bashir Malik. This event was held to admire sales partners’ efforts and to make announcements regarding New Metro City Gujar Khan/Rawalpindi.
The most significant announcement in this event was, without any doubt, new metro city early bird balloting. New Metro City Gujar Khan early bird balloting will be done on 20th August 2022; the society management is providing a chance to investors and end-users to get a plot in the most prestigious block A of New Metro City Gujar Khan/Rawalpindi. People who want to get included in this balloting should submit their booking forms by 19th August 2022.
New Metro City Gujar Khan Block A will be the most premium block in the whole society with numerous excellent features that include:
Furthermore, this will be the first ballot of New Metro City and the possession will be granted within 5 months of balloting. Moreover, society officials also announced the grand worldwide pre-launch of New Metro City at this event. The pre-launch residential deal is also closed by the company sales department; this means that all the files have been allotted to different sales partners.
Also Read: New Metro City Gujar Khan Official Pre-Launch Event.
According to the early bird balloting policy, customers who will submit the booking forms till 19 August 2022 will be included in the balloting for high chances to get their plot allotted in the A Block.
The balloting fee is not applicable until and unless the plot is confirmed in New Metro City A Block.
Early Bird balloting will be held on 20th August 2022, people who get their plots allotted in A Block will get the possessions and plot numbers later on. The dates will be announced in the future.
Customers are required to submit the files to the society office, those who succeed in doing so will be included in the balloting. Customers will get a high chance of plot allotment in A Block, however, people who couldn’t get a plot here will be adjusted in Sector-1 of society according to customer policy.
Plots will be allotted against all the booking forms in New Metro City Gujar Khan, customers will get plots in the future through balloting in different sectors.
Manahil Estate brings you the latest updates on New Metro City Gujar Khan/Rawalpindi and other prominent housing societies of twin cities. Stay tuned for the latest news, updates, developments, and happenings in the real estate sector!