Capital Smart City is gradually becoming a frequently traded commodity, and a large number of investors/dealers are engaged in buying and selling of its residential and commercial plot files.
Due to volatility in property prices due to fluctuating demands, profit rates keep moving up and down from time to time, so we thought it important to create a dedicated page to share latest profit rates.
Since booking prices for residential plots have been increased a number of times over the past 2 years, profit rates for same size of plot with different booking prices will vary significantly.
Relevant Pages: FAQ’s on Capital Smart City | Capital Smart City Executive Block | Capital Smart City Farm Houses | Trivelles Smart Homes | Overseas West Block
Capital Smart City Latest Plot Prices as on 21st of December, 2024
Plot Size | Plot Type | Block | Booking Price | Min. Profit | Max. Profit |
Residential Plots (Overseas/Executive) | |||||
5 Marla | Residential | Executive | 17,00,000/- | Minus | 500,000 |
5 Marla | Residential | Executive | 18,00,000/- | Minus | 400,000 |
5 Marla | Residential | Executive /Overseas | 19,50,000/- | Minus | 500,000 |
5 Marla | Residential | Executive /Overseas | 21,00,000/- | Minus | 300,000 |
5 Marla | Residential | Executive /Overseas | 24,15,000/- | Minus | Level |
7 Marla | Residential | Executive /Overseas | 25,90,000/- | Minus | 600,000 |
7 Marla | Residential | Executive /Overseas | 27,40,000/- | Minus | 400,000 |
7 Marla | Residential | Executive /Overseas | 31,51,000/- | Minus | 100,000 |
10 Marla | Residential | Executive | 30,00,000/- | Minus | 900,000 |
10 Marla | Residential | Executive | 31,50,000/- | Minus | 700,000 |
10 Marla | Residential | Executive /Overseas | 33,50,000/- | Minus | 1,200,000 |
10 Marla | Residential | Executive /Overseas | 3,600,000/- | Minus | 800,000 |
10 Marla | Residential | Executive /Overseas | 41,40,000/- | Minus | 300,000 |
12 Marla | Residential | Executive /Overseas | 37,80,000/- | Minus | 1,200,000 |
12 Marla | Residential | Executive /Overseas | 39,80,000/- | Minus | 800,000 |
12 Marla | Residential | Executive /Overseas | 45,77,000/- | Minus | 300,000 |
1 Kanal | Residential | Executive | 46,00,000/- | Minus | 1,000,000 |
1 Kanal | Residential | Executive | 48,00,000/- | Minus | 800,000 |
1 Kanal | Residential | Executive /Overseas | 49,75,000/- | Minus | 1,500,000 |
1 Kanal | Residential | Executive /Overseas | 54,00,000/- | Minus | 1,000,000 |
1 Kanal | Residential | Executive /Overseas | 62,10,000/- | Minus | 500,000 |
2 Kanal | Residential | Executive /Overseas | 99,50,000/- | Minus | 2,000,000 |
2 Kanal | Residential | Executive /Overseas | 106,00,000/- | Minus | 1,500,000 |
2 Kanal | Residential | Executive /Overseas | 121,90,000/- | Minus | 800,000 |
Commercial Plots (Overseas/Executive) |
4 Marla | Commercial | Executive /Overseas | 56,00,000/- | Level | 5,000,000 |
4 Marla | Commercial | Executive /Overseas | 78,00,000/- | Level | 4,000,000 |
4 Marla | Commercial | Executive /Overseas | 105,30,000/- | Level | 1,500,000 |
6 Marla | Commercial | Executive /Overseas | 84,00,000/- | Level | 6,000,000 |
6 Marla | Commercial | Executive /Overseas | 117,00,000/- | Level | 5,000,000 |
6 Marla | Commercial | Executive /Overseas | 140,40,000/- | Level | 2,500,000 |
8 Marla | Commercial | Executive /Overseas | 112,00,000/- | Level | 7,000,000 |
8 Marla | Commercial | Executive /Overseas | 156,00,000/- | Level | 5,500,000 |
8 Marla | Commercial | Executive /Overseas | 175,50,000/- | Level | 3,000,000 |
Harmony Park Residential |
3.5 Marla | Residential | Harmony Block | 15,00,000 | Minus | 250,000 |
3.5 Marla | Residential | Harmony Block | 16,10,000 | Minus | 200,000 |
3.5 Marla | Residential | Harmony Block | 17,89,000 | Minus | 150,000 |
Harmony Park Commercial |
2.66 Marla | Commercial | Harmony Block | 45,00,000/- | Level | 1,500,000 |
4 Marla | Commercial | Harmony Block | 105,00,000/- | Level | 1,500,000 |
Overseas Prime Residential |
7 Marla | Residential | Overseas Prime | 32,300000/- | Minus | 500,000 |
7 Marla | Residential | Overseas Prime | 34,75,000/- | Minus | 300,000 |
10 Marla | Residential | Overseas Prime | 42,45,000/- | Minus | 700,000 |
10 Marla | Residential | Overseas Prime | 45,65,000/- | Minus | 400,000 |
12 Marla | Residential | Overseas Prime | 46,95,000/- | Minus | 800,000 |
12 Marla | Residential | Overseas Prime | 50,50,000/- | Minus | 500,000 |
1 Kanal | Residential | Overseas Prime | 63,65,000/- | Minus | 900,000 |
1 Kanal | Residential | Overseas Prime | 68,45,000/- | Minus | 600,000 |
2 Kanal | Residential | Overseas Prime | 125,00,000/- | Minus | 1,400,000 |
2 Kanal | Residential | Overseas Prime | 134,40,000/- | Minus | 900,000 |
Overseas Prime Commercial |
4 Marla | Commercial | Overseas Prime | 110,50,000/- | Level | 1,500,000 |
8 Marla | Commercial | Overseas Prime | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Smart Villas |
5Marla (3 Bed) | Smart Villas | Executive /Overseas | 82,50,000/- | 2,000,000 | 3,000,000 |
5Marla (4 Bed) | Smart Villas | Executive /Overseas | 84,50,000/- | 2,500,000 | 3,500,000 |
7 Marla (4 Bed) | Smart Villas | Executive /Overseas | 110,00,000/- | 3,000,000 | 4,000,000 |
10 Marla (4 Bed) | Smart Villas | Executive /Overseas | 140,00,000/- | 6,000,000 | 9,000,000 |
10 Marla (5 Bed) | Smart Villas | Executive /Overseas | 143,50,000/- | 7,000,000 | 10,000,000 |
12 Marla (4 Bed) | Smart Villas | Executive /Overseas | 165,00,000/- | 7,000,000 | 1,000,000 |
12 Marla (5 Bed) | Smart Villas | Executive /Overseas | 168,50,000/- | 8,000,000 | 1,100,000 |
1 Kanal (5 Bed) | Smart Villas | Executive /Overseas | 245,00,000/- | 1,000,000 | 15,000,000 |
1 Kanal (6 Bed) | Smart Villas | Executive /Overseas | 249,00,000/- | 11,000,000 | 16,000,000 |
2 Kanal (5 Bed) | Smart Villas | Executive /Overseas | 390,00,000/- | 13,000,000 | 22,000,000 |
2 Kanal (6 Bed) | Smart Villas | Executive /Overseas | 394,00,000/- | 14,000,000 | 23,000,000 |
2 Kanal (7 Bed) | Smart Villas | Executive /Overseas | 407,00,000/- | 15,000,000 | 25,000,000 |
Overseas West |
5 Marla | Residential | Overseas West | 29,90,000/- | Minus | Level |
7 Marla | Residential | Overseas West | 38,80,000/- | Minus | Level |
10 Marla | Residential | Overseas West | 54,70,000/- | Minus | Level |
1 Kanal | Residential | Overseas West | 8,980,000/- | Minus | Level |
Overseas Prime 2 |
5 Marla | Residential | Overseas Prime 2 | 31,50,000/- | Minus | Level |
7 Marla | Residential | Overseas Prime 2 | 42,50,000/- | Minus | Level |
10 Marla | Residential | Overseas Prime 2 | 57,50,000/- | Minus | Level |
12 Marla | Residential | Overseas Prime 2 | 65,00,000/- | Minus | Level |
1 Kanal | Residential | Overseas Prime 2 | 99,50,000/- | Minus | Level |