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Why You Should Buy a House with a Basement

Buy a house with Basement

One of the most common questions that arise when building a new house is the possibility of digging a basement. In principle, it is a good option, since it allows us to add another floor to the house without consuming vertical space. Buy a house with a basement because it is suitable for auxiliary housing uses such as storage rooms, pantries, private family spaces, or places for indoor gaming. In certain cases, it is also possible to make bedrooms in the basements, as long as we can provide them with ventilation and natural lighting.

Before deciding to build a basement, it is convenient to consider whether we are going to use it, since its construction is not economical, although the finishing materials that we use in it are not of the same quality as those that we use in brick walls.

It is therefore convenient in many cases to build a basement to reach the foundation level if the plot is in recession. However, building a basement can be a complicated and very expensive option, s it requires RCC walls in most cases.

More Homes are Built Now with Basements, Why?

Until now, most houses used to be built without basements due to the difficulties that excavation and construction below ground posed. The absence of ventilation and sewage pumps, or the lifestyle itself, made these basements unnecessary. However, more houses now are built with basements, and there are reasons:

  • Basements add additional living space in a house
  • Basements resist weather effect
  • Add additional storage space
  • It is a multipurpose space for family
  • House owners can rent out their basement 
House with Basement

What are Basements Used for?

Basements are a space traditionally used as storage space in a single-family home. However, in various households, basements are considered small dwellings within the main house or are used as living rooms or studies.

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What are the Main Challenges When Living in a Basement?

The main challenge when it comes to living in a basement is the lack of natural light that usually exists on the ground floors. Either there are no windows, or the ones that do exist are small because they are designed to ventilate more than to illuminate abundantly. The basements are dark and humid. Although there are ways to lighten up the color and ventilate it lacks in natural ways.

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How are Basements Ventilated?

As the basements are below ground level, ventilating the rooms is not an easy task, while the air becomes saturated with humidity. Not only will all surfaces begin to deteriorate, but bad odors will also appear.

Remodeling a basement that is half abandoned or used only as a storage room is a challenge. Exhaust fans, Ventilation ducts, and fittings are the solution.

Buy a house with Basement, Ventilation

How can you Illuminate a Basement with Sunlight?

Everyone uses natural light from the Sun to illuminate their home during the day by opening the windows. But it is a very limited illumination because the sun only hits certain hours of the day. And logically it does not reach the rooms where there are no windows. It is not exactly possible to illuminate a basement with sunlight; however modern interiors are making it possible.


Although there are some setbacks of basements when you think of living in them, however, the scarcity of living spaces in big cities has made basements an option with multiple benefits. If you are looking to purchase a house recently, buy a house with a basement.

If you are searching for a new house at a good location, Manahil Estate real estate agents can help you find one at the best rates. Contact us now or call 0345-5222253

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