Manahil Estate

Plantation Drive along Rawalpindi Ring Road to Commence from 15 February 2024

plantation drive around Rawalpindi Ring Road

Rawalpindi Ring Road, the pivotal project for the twin cities is developing at a steady pace, with developments in different areas. A major update about the project is that the plantation drive around Rawalpindi Ring Road will commence on 15 February 2024, said Commissioner Rawalpindi.

Rawalpindi Ring Road is the most noticeable infrastructure project for the city, which formally kicked off in the last quarter of 2023, and its deadline is August 2024. Commissioner Rawalpindi has announced that RRR will be inaugurated on 14th August 2024.

Commissioner Rawalpindi Liaquat Ali Chatta, during a development update, shared this insight about the plantation drive around Rawalpindi Ring Road. He told the press that 20% of the development work on this mega project is already completed, that too, in the proposed time frame. Further developments will be carried out in the given period as well.

The plantation drive will be carried out on both sides of the highway, improving the final outlook and contributing to the environment of Rawalpindi City. Furthermore, Commissioner Rawalpindi also issued directives to speed up the development work of the Soan Bridge. He further added, that the focus of developers would shift towards Thalian Interchange after the traffic network design is finalized.

Read Also: Rawalpindi Ring Road To Be Completed In The Given Time Frame: Commissioner Rawalpindi.

The plans for the development and improvement of the Bhera rest area will contribute towards facilitating the commuters. The commissioner further stated that Rawalpindi Ring Road will be a game-changer project for the city and it will reduce intercity traffic congestion.

After multiple cancellations and delays, the Rawalpindi Ring Road project has finally started and the development is in full swing. Hopefully, the project will be completed by the given deadline. The plantation drive along RRR is set to start on 25 February 2024; it is a major advancement in the project.

Read Also: A Guide To Making Investments Around Rawalpindi Ring Road.

We keep you updated with the latest development updates of Rawalpindi Ring Road, stay tuned to Manahil Estate!

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