Manahil Estate

FGEHA Launches Apartment Projects in Islamabad, Rawalpindi and Lahore

FGEHF Naya Pakistan Apartments Islamabad

Federal Government Employees Housing Authority (FGEHA) has finalized its plan to build about 12000 apartments for FGE Employees with a meager quota for professionals. These hi-rise apartments complex projects are planned in Islamabad, Rawalpindi and Lahore. Registrations are now open on first come first basis for all federal government employees. Last date to get registered is February 14, 2020.

FGEHA has acquired all the requisite land for construction of these apartments, and completed all the design work. Construction work on these projects is expected to begin within next 2 months or so.

As per the advertisement published in newspapers, FGEHA is has finalized its plan to build the following apartment complex projects:

We have attached project brochures above, so you can download these files and check all details about apartments location, sizes and prices before you apply.

Membership form is available at FGEHA website, so you can download the form, fill out all particulars and submit at any branch of Askari Bank or Bank of Punjab along with PKR 100,000/- membership fee by or before the given deadline.

Following is the eligibility criteria to apply for FGEHA apartments project:

Eligibility Criteria

As mentioned above, if you have not been allotted an apartment earlier by FGEHF, you are eligible to apply in this scheme. Most important factor is time, as allotment will be on first come first served basis.

Following is the quota policy of FGEHA Apartments:

  • FG Quota = 56% (Federal Government Servants in Service)
  • RD Quota = 20% (Federal Government Servants Retired)
  • WS Quota = 3% (Federal Government Servants Died during Service)
  • WR Quota = 1% (Federal Government Servants Died after Retirement)
  • DS Quota = 2% (Federal Government Servants having Major Disability)
  • AB Quota = 1% (Employees of Autonomous Bodies)
  • AR Quota = 1% (Retired Employees of Autonomous Bodies)
  • AW Quota = 1% (Widows of Employees of Autonomous Bodies)
  • Constitutional = 3.5% (In Service = 2.5%, Retired = 0.5%, Widow = 0.5%)
  • Professional = 3.5% (In Service = 2.5%, Retired = 0.5%, Widow = 0.5%)
  • JR Quota = 1% (Journalist)
  • MW Quota = 1% (Media Workers)
  • HW Quota = 2% (Ministry of Housing & Works Employees)
  • HA Quota = 1% (Regular Employees of FGE Housing Authority)

More details about each quota category is available in the membership form, so you can go through all details in order to make sure that you fall in the eligibility criteria.

Following is the news report on FGEHA Apartments project:

FGEHA Apartments News

FGEHA Apartments News 2

If you need any further details on any specific project of Federal Government Housing Authority or you want to buy anything in FGEHF projects in Islamabad, feel free to contact us via email at or whatsapp at 03455222253.

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