Manahil Estate

Rawalpindi Road Expected to Become Operational in August 2024

Rawalpindi Ring Road Operational in August 2023

Rawalpindi Ring Road is a major development in the city in the year 2024; It is a 30-kilometer-long highway, similar to Peshawar and Lahore Ring Road. It is designed to reduce intercity traffic congestion and provide an alternate route for far-off areas. In short, Ring Road aims to improve the overall connectivity of Rawalpindi City.

Chief Minister of Punjab, Mohsin Naqvi visited the FWO camp and different sites of the Rawalpindi Ring Road, there, he expressed his satisfaction with the developer of the project which is Frontier Works Organization. He further gave some remarks about the development of this project and its completion.

Rawalpindi Ring Road Development Images

Following are some pictures that show the development status of Rawalpindi Ring Road Project:

Rawalpindi Ring Road Development Video

Here is a detailed video that gives an insight into the development of R project:

He told the press, that almost 12% of the developmental work has been carried out successfully. Furthermore, he also said that Rawalpindi Ring Road will become operational in August 2024, and it will be launched officially.

Ring Road is the most needed project for Rawalpindi city; the chief minister also discussed the importance of this project for the city. It will not only improve accessibility and connectivity but will also boost the infrastructural development of this region.

Read Also: Ring Road Rawalpindi – Latest Construction Updates, Route And Work Progress.

Chief Minister started his visit from the Soan Bridge in Rawalpindi and visited different points within the route of Rawalpindi Ring Road. The project was first publicized in 1991 but was delayed till 2023, due to different issues. Now, the development has officially started and it will become operational around August of 2024.

Some useful information about Rawalpindi Ring Road is given below:

Rawalpindi Ring Road Features

The development of R is in full swing and it will be inaugurated in August, it is a useful project for not only the residents but also different housing ventures in Rawalpindi.

Read Also: Rawalpindi Ring Road To Be Completed In The Given Time Frame: Commissioner Rawalpindi.

Keep visiting our website for the latest updates on Rawalpindi Ring Road project!

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