Citi Housing Scheme Faisalabad has announced balloting date for its A, B & C blocks. The society, which is owned by son-in-law of Mr. Malik Riaz of Bahria Town, has recently launched and its registration forms had been selling at very high profit in the market. The development work has been in progress and the society promises possession of first 3 blocks in record time.
According to the announcement, balloting of plots will be held on 16th of May 2015. Only those files and membership forms which are submitted by 15th of May 2015 will be included in the balloting, whereas the files submitted after 15th of May will be included in the second balloting whose date will be announced after 15th of June 2015.
Members can avail this opportunity to submit their files without advance payment in the company office, moreover they can get up to 10 lac rupees discount by submitting membership forms along with their files.
Citi Housing Scheme Faisalabad has also announced possession date of its A, B & C blocks which is 15th of June 2015. This is a good news for the file holders in this scheme and they have this opportunity to get plots in First blocks where possession is expected within 2 months.