Manahil Estate

Rudn Enclave Announces Date for Executive Block Balloting

Rudn Enclave Executive Balloting Date

Good news for the members of Rudn Enclave. The administration of Rudn Enclave Rawalpindi has finally disclosed the date for the computerized balloting of the Executive Block. The official notification of the balloting event was shared by the administration on official social media pages and the website of Rudn Enclave Rawalpindi.

Rudn Enclave Rawalpindi is a comprehensive housing scheme located on main Adyala Road, opposite the Bahria Town Phase 8 Extension. The developers of Rudn Enclave have shown tremendous progress in terms of development and developed the Executive block in a short time. The management hinted at balloting in the first quarter of 2023, and they have kept their promise. The exact date of the computerized ballot is finally announced, and it will be held at the site of Rudn Enclave Executive Block.

Rudn Enclave Executive Block Balloting Date

The management of the society has announced the balloting date for Rudn Enclave Executive Block, it will be held on 14 March 2023.

Following is the official balloting notification by the Rudn Enclave administration:

Rudn Enclave Executive Balloting Date

The terms and conditions for this Rudn Enclave Executive Block balloting are already announced by the management. It is worth mentioning that this event is held for the balloting of residential plots of the Executive Block. Furthermore, the possessions of residential plots will be granted within 3 to 6 months of balloting. Keep in mind, that this is the first-ever balloting of Rudn Enclave Rawalpindi.

Terms and Conditions for Balloting

Members should ensure that the following conditions are fulfilled so that they can be included in the first computerized balloting:

  • Members need to clear at least 60% of outstanding dues and update their ledgers to become a part of balloting.
  • Furthermore, members who have cleared 100% payment will be given priority in this balloting. They will be allowed to choose from the category plots. 

Note: Members can clear their outstanding dues before the balloting date i.e. 14 March 2023 and update ledgers to become a part of balloting and save themselves from surcharge and penalties.

Stay tuned to Manahil Estate for more updates on Rudn Enclave Rawalpindi!

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