Rafi Group has announced the schedule of location ballot of Green Palms Housing Scheme Gwadar. The society will allot plot numbers to those who have paid their due installments till given deadline. Those in default of due payments will not be given plot numbers. The deadline to submit due installments is 5th of March, 2020.
Ballot Date
Green Palms Gwadar location ballot is going to be held on 14th of March, 2020. It is important that members of Green Palms Gwadar should pay off their dues in time lest they should lose the opportunity to get better plot numbers in the first ballot.
The balloting event will be held at Expo Centre, Lahore. The members of Green Palms Gwadar are invited to participate in the ballot ceremony, so that they can find out their ballot results and check their plot numbers on the map.
Master Plan Map
The map of Green Palms Gwadar is already out and available on the web. You can download a high quality jpeg copy of the map below:

Please note that half of the map has plot numbers, while the other half is left blank. It means that the current master plan will be revised in future and new blocks will be launched for booking.
Development Progress
Green Palms is one of the best developing private housing projects in Gwadar. Much of the initial development work including construction of the entrance gate and main boulevard is already done. Further development work is currently in progress smoothly, so you can expect timely delivery of the project.
Following are some pictures of development work at Green Palms Gwadar:

Following is the latest video of development work at Green Palms Gwadar:
Should you require more information on Green Palms Gwadar or need advice on best housing schemes for investment in Gwadar, feel free to send whatsapp query at 03455222253.