Manahil Estate

Corona Virus (COVID-19) Cases in Pakistan – Active, Recovered and Deaths

Corona Cases in Pakistan

Coronavirus Pandemic has caused a serious health crisis across the world and shattered the world economies at large. Pakistan is no exception, hence it is going through similar or even bigger challenges due to poor economic condition. The government is taking strict measures to contain the spread of this insidious virus in Pakistan, but still the numbers of cases & death toll are increasing at an alarming pace.

Government of Pakistan has established an official website ( to inform general public about the Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) and share updates of ongoing developments on Corona Virus spread in Pakistan. This online portal shows the latest updated number of cases, and also the number of recovered and deceased patients across all provinces/regions of Pakistan. 

The portal also shares detailed graphs showing the demographics, regional spread, city-wise distribution of cases, ratio of recoveries & deaths, and other charts. That information is very useful in the current scenario as it shows how the virus is affecting our country and if we are successfully handling the spread or not.

We are sharing below the latest statistics of Corona Virus Cases which shows total number of cases, active cases, recovered cases and deaths across all provinces and regions of Pakistan. 

PakistanTotal CasesActive CasesRecovered CasesDeaths
Gilgit Baltistan233751553
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa80061215335
Grand Total58374363137896
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