Bahria Town has created a complaint cell to address complaints of residents and investors/business partners. This new department is created on the instructions of Bahria Town's Chairman Mr. Malik Riaz, and the purpose is to resolve all issues related to all properties in Bahria Town projects across Pakistan. This department is named Chairman Complaint Cell.
The idea behind creation of this new department is to address the increasing number of complaints about different things including plot payment, NDC, possession, billing, transfer issues, surcharges, services, staff etc. According to the claim, immediate actions will be taken in order to resolve all issues with consent of the chairman.
The procedure to register a complaint is very simple. You can visit the following link to reach the main page of complaint cell:
Here, you can register your complaint and also you can check status of your registered complaint.
We hope majority of residents as well as investors of Bahria Town who have been complaining a lot about the misbehavior of bahria town's staff will get immediate solution of their issues.