Manahil Estate

Rudn Enclave Executive Block Balloting to be Held in December

The management of Rudn Enclave Rawalpindi has announced the much-awaited balloting of residential plots in the Executive Block. The exact date of Rudn Enclave Executive Block Balloting is also disclosed, further, the management has unveiled the conditions and deadline for clearance of dues and becoming eligible for balloting.

Please note that the upcoming ballot will be held for residential plots of the Executive Block, whereas the commercial plots ballot will be held shortly after the residential ballot. The same terms & conditions will apply for commercial plots to be eligible for allotment of plot numbers.

Rudn Enclave management is all set to fulfill its promise of balloting. Moreover, early possessions will also be handed over to the rightful owners by next year as early as the 3rd quarter of 2023. For this purpose, the administration is going to allot plot numbers to the eligible files of the Executive Block.

Rudn Enclave Balloting Date

The society has announced the date of the Executive Block balloting, the balloting event will be held on 15 December 2022 and it will be held at the Rudn Enclave site.

Rudn Enclave Executive Block Balloting Conditions

The following are the conditions implied for the members to become a part of the balloting:

  • Members should clear at least 60% and update their ledgers to participate in this balloting. You may contact the management or visit the booking office for a ledger update.
  • Members who clear 100% dues against their plots will be prioritized in Rudn Enclave Executive Block Balloting. Such members will be allowed to choose category plots. Moreover, a 10% discount will also be offered to them.

Read Also: Rudn Enclave H-Block Commercial Plots

Deadline for Dues Clearance

The deadline for clearance of dues is 15th December, and the management will not accept late payments. Therefore, we advise you clear your due without waiting for the last date and become a part of this balloting.

This is the first balloting of Rudn Enclave Rawalpindi, the society is undergoing rapid development and the developers want to make it ready for inhabitation as soon as possible. According to the officials, a grand balloting event will be held for this purpose shortly after the given deadline and plot numbers will be allotted through a transparent process.

Following is a snapshot of the official notification of the balloting announcement:

Announcement Notification

Executive Block Map

A comprehensive revised master plan map of Executive Block will also be released at the time of balloting, so you will not only be able to check the location of your plots but also see how this block will be linked with general and overseas blocks. Additionally, the new map may also disclose the exact route of Rawalpindi Ring Road through Rudn Enclave.

The latest news and updates of Rudn Enclave Housing Society are brought to you by Manahil Estate! It is a rapidly developing society placed at a very desirable location between two natural water bodies.

Numerous residential and commercial investment opportunities are currently available at Rudn Enclave. Contact us now to find out more about your investment options!

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