Manahil Estate

CDA Completes Jinnah Avenue F-8 Underpass in Record 42 Days

F8 Interchange Islamabad

Capital Development Authority (CDA), under the directions of the Federal Government, has successfully completed the F-8 Underpass project in record 42 days time. This underpass is part of a comprehensive interchange plan at F-8 exchange meant to resolve traffic issues on Jinnah Avenue by making it signal-free up to D chowk. The underpass has been opened for traffic on 24th December, 2024, while a fly-over project for the incoming traffic is currently under construction that is expected to be completed by January 2025.

This comprehensive interchange project is located at the intersection of Jinnah Avenue and 9th avenue which is the busiest route and has a large number of daily traffic including local residents and daily commuters from Rawalpindi and Islamabad. After completion of this project, traffic on the both the roads will flow seamlessly across this intersection.

In line with the ongoing infrastructure improvements in Islamabad, another project is underway at Serena Chowk on Srinagar Highway, which is expected to be completed within a few weeks. The government has emphasized that there will be no compromise on construction quality and that the projects will be completed in record time.

Following are some images of the F-8 under pass project:

F8 Underpass Images F8 Underpass Images 2 F8 Underpass Images 3

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