Manahil Estate

Capital Smart City Announces Balloting of Overseas East Plots, Apartments, and Smart Villas

Capital Smart City Overseas East Ballot

News: As per the latest updates, Capital Smart City, a highly sought-after housing project in Islamabad Rawalpindi, has announced the balloting and dues clearance deadline for Overseas East Plots, Apartments, and Smart Villas.

Capital Smart City is the first smart city in the premises of Islamabad and Rawalpindi after its ancestor Lahore Smart City, which is the first-ever smart city in Pakistan. It is a mega housing project that is developing rapidly on M-2 Islamabad Motorway. Capital Smart City holds balloting from time to time and rewards the customers with possessions of their plots. Now, Capital Smart City has announced the balloting dates and last dates for dues clearance. Future Development Holdings (FDHL) released a notification with the details of this news.

The developers of Capital Smart City announced that are way ahead of the development schedule, which is indeed good news for the members. Furthermore, they informed us that the development work in the Overseas East is in the final stages; therefore they are announcing the balloting and allocation of residential plots in this sector. Members who were left out in the last balloting can get included in this latest balloting of Capital Smart City by clearing their remaining dues. The management of the society also released the terms and conditions for becoming part of this ballot.

Balloting Terms and Conditions for Residential and Commercial Plots

  • Members who want to become a part of this balloting should clear all (100%) dues inclusive of surcharge till 22nd February 2023.
  • Members who can successfully clear 100% of dues by 17th February 2023 will be given priority in the balloting. Moreover, they can also choose their residential and commercial plots.
  • This is the last balloting of Overseas East; members who have plots in this sector have the last chance to get included. Otherwise, they will be allotted plots in the next balloting in other sectors of Overseas Blocks.

Balloting Terms and Conditions for Villa Apartments

  • Members should clear at least 50% of dues according to the total value of the property to become a part of this upcoming balloting.
  • Members who have already 50% or higher amounts, whichever is higher will be allowed to choose the Villa of their choice.
  • Similarly, this is the last balloting for Villas Apartments, the society reserves the right to cancel or shift non-balloted Villas as per the company policy.

Balloting Terms and Conditions for Smart Villas

  • Members who have cleared, or will clear 100% of payment by 17th February 2023 will be allowed to choose the Smart Villas of their choice.
  • Members who will clear 100% dues against their properties by 22nd February 2023 will be included in this balloting.
  • It is the last balloting of Smart Villas; non-successful members will be treated as per the policy of Capital Smart City.

Official Notification

Following is the snapshot of the official balloting and dues clearance notification from FDHL:

Members are advised to clear all their outstanding dues to become part of this ballot and for a chance to get the plot, villa, or a part of their choice. People who are left out may get their properties canceled or adjusted in other blocks of society.

Latest updates of Capital Smart City and Lahore Smart City, brought to you by Manahil Estate!

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