Manahil Estate

DHA Valley Possessions to Start from December 2015 – Malik Riaz

In a recent television interview on Geo Tv, Mr. Malik Riaz Hussain – chairman and founder of Bahria Town – has briefly explained the issues causing delay in DHA Valley and disclosed some good news about DHA Valley Possessions. Since DHA Valley is a joint venture of the two giant real estate companies i.e. DHA and Bahria Town, thousands of people had invested their hard earned money but they still await possessions.

Malik Riaz Hussain Interview on Geo Tv
Malik Riaz Hussain Interview on Geo Tv

In response to the questions regarding dha valley, Malik Riaz explained that the major issue delaying development in DHA Valley is Daducha DAM. Government has acquired this land for construction of DAM which is actually planned to be part of DHA Valley, therefore development is not possible until this issue is resolved.

If you look at the map of DHA Valley, you will come to know that Bluebell, Daisy, Eglantine, Zinnia and Snowdrop blocks surround the Daducha DAM area.

DHA Valley Master Plan Map

According to Malik Riaz, Bahria Town and DHA have offered the government that they will build this DAM free of cost if government allows them to acquire this land and he is quite hopeful that CM Punjab will resolve this issue by 30th of June 2015.

He also added that development work in some blocks to the other side of disputed land has reached to advanced stage and some possessions in DHA Valley will start before December. Most probably he is referring to DHA Homes, Dha Valley Overseas Blocks i.e Sunflower, Magnolia and Boganvilla as well as Oleander, Lily and Daffodils blocks where some development can be seen on ground.

This is a very important statement by Malik Riaz as it can cause prices to go up. Even if one block of DHA Valley gets possession this year, you can surely expect at least double profit. This can be considered as an opportunity to earn good profit by investing in DHA Valley in a short period of time.

Video clips of the interview which are relevant to DHA Valley are attached below:

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