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PECHS Islamabad Launches N Block Residential & Commercial Plots

PECHS Islamabad N Block

After successfully launching and developing extensions of K and M Blocks, PECHS Islamabad has come up with another launch of a small residential block right next to M Block. This new block is named “Block N” and it comprises limited residential plots of 5 marla (25×50) and 8 Marla (30×60) as well as commercial plots of 5 marla (30×40) and 10 marla (40×60). PECHS Block N Map is also disclosed, and you can book your plots by choosing from the available options in the map.

PECHS N Block starts where main 100ft wide Jinnah Avenue ends at Block M and K. This is a relatively very small block, so availability of plots is very limited.

You can find the location of N Block below:

As you can see on the map, block N is close to the boundary of New Islamabad International Airport. This location is close to society’s entrance from Mumtaz City, so access will be much easier in future.

Following is the layout map of PECHS N Block:

PECHS N Block Location

You can check the number of plots on the map, and book the plot of your choice from the available options.

As mentioned above, there are very limited residential and commercial plots available in Block N, so you have to make a quick decision and book a plot with 25% down payment. Remaining amount is payable in 6 quarterly installments.

Following are the prices and payment plans of PECHS N Block residential and commercial plots:

PECHS Islamabad N Block Plot Prices

Please note that 10% discount is offered on full upfront payment at the time of booking.

If you are interested to book your plot, feel free to contact us for selection and booking of a residential or commercial plot at 0333-0166670

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