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Bahria Town Karachi Announced Final Balloting Date 2018

Bahria Town Karachi Balloting Alert

Bahria Town Karachi has officially announced the balloting date for all old un-allotted plot files. The decision was taken following the announced protests by affectees who have been waiting for years to get plot numbers despite having paid off their installments. This final balloting is scheduled to be held on 10th May 2018.

Bahria Town Karachi vows to allot numbers to all remaining un-allocated files of plots and homes in this final ballot, provided that the files are updated and free from any outstanding dues. Bahria Town confirms that it will allot plot numbers to all qualified clients on this ballot.

It is very important for all such file holders to check current status of their plots, and make sure that they do not have any outstanding dues on their files. In case of any error or outstanding charges, pay off the dues and get your files updated without delay in order to be eligible for this final ballot.

Following is the official notice issued by Bahria Town Karachi:

Bahria Town Karachi Final Balloting Date Notice

Brigadier Hassan Rafi, Director Sales and Marketing of Bahria Town, explains about the eligibility criteria for the upcoming ballot. He reiterates that Bahria Town will allot numbers to 100% eligible files, and that the location of new plots will be much better.

He also clarifies that all files which have 16 installments paid will be eligible for ballot. Even the files with pending surcharges will be included, provided that all due installments have been paid.

Listen to Brigadier Hassan Rafi who explains the eligibility criteria for balloting 2018:

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